Turkey Visa
Link to Visa:
You will be required to fill out an applicaiton for a single entry visa for Turkey no earlier than 72 hours before your entry into Turkey.
We will be updating you on the time frame for applying for this visa. It is very simple, online and takes a couple of minutes.
US Citizens: $50 USD
Canadian Citizens: $60 USD
It is an e-visa. Here is a descripition from the visa site:
An e-Visa is an official document permitting entry into and travel within Türkiye.
The e-Visa is an alternative to visas issued at Turkish missions and at the ports of entry.
Applicants obtain their visas electronically after entering required information and making payments by a credit or debit card (Mastercard, Visa or UnionPay).
The link to download your e-Visa is given on the final step where you will be informed that your application has been completed successfully. In addition, the same link to download your e-Visa will be emailed to you. Passport control officers at ports of entry can verify your e-Visa on their system. However, you are advised to keep your e-Visa with you either as a soft copy (tablet PC, smart phone, etc.) or as a hard copy in case of any failure on their system.
Family applications can be created for minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 applicants. All members of the family must originate from the same country; their travel documents must be the same type (e.g. normal, official, diplomatic); and their arrival date must be the same.
After you select ‘Country/Region’ of travel document and ‘Date of Arrival’, fill up ‘Personal Information’ form for the first member of the family, then click ‘Add a New Person’ button to add other applicants in your family up to 10 people. Upon completing the application of the last member of the family by clicking the ‘Continue’ button, the Foreign Ministry will send a confirmation e-mail to the provided e-mail address. A lump sum payment can be made after this stage. Upon receiving the payment, the Foreign Ministry will make the e-Visas available for download. If requested, a payment receipt will be issued under the name of the first applicant.
We will be updating you on the time frame for applying for this visa. It is very simple, online and takes a couple of minutes.
US Citizens: $50 USD
Canadian Citizens: $60 USD
It is an e-visa. Here is a descripition from the visa site:
An e-Visa is an official document permitting entry into and travel within Türkiye.
The e-Visa is an alternative to visas issued at Turkish missions and at the ports of entry.
Applicants obtain their visas electronically after entering required information and making payments by a credit or debit card (Mastercard, Visa or UnionPay).
The link to download your e-Visa is given on the final step where you will be informed that your application has been completed successfully. In addition, the same link to download your e-Visa will be emailed to you. Passport control officers at ports of entry can verify your e-Visa on their system. However, you are advised to keep your e-Visa with you either as a soft copy (tablet PC, smart phone, etc.) or as a hard copy in case of any failure on their system.
Family applications can be created for minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 applicants. All members of the family must originate from the same country; their travel documents must be the same type (e.g. normal, official, diplomatic); and their arrival date must be the same.
After you select ‘Country/Region’ of travel document and ‘Date of Arrival’, fill up ‘Personal Information’ form for the first member of the family, then click ‘Add a New Person’ button to add other applicants in your family up to 10 people. Upon completing the application of the last member of the family by clicking the ‘Continue’ button, the Foreign Ministry will send a confirmation e-mail to the provided e-mail address. A lump sum payment can be made after this stage. Upon receiving the payment, the Foreign Ministry will make the e-Visas available for download. If requested, a payment receipt will be issued under the name of the first applicant.